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Minggu, 29 November 2009

Kucing ku si Putih

Pada hari itu aku mendapat hadiah dari kekasih ku, seekor kucing lucu, bola matanya yang biru,bulunya yang lebat dan putih bersih, aku sangat senang sekali mendapat hadiah dari kekasih ku, sudah lama sekali aku mengidam-ngidamkan ingin mempunyai kucing lucu berwarna putih, Aku sangat menyukainya, dia begitu lucu dan menggemaskan, itu pertama kalinya aku memelihara seekor kucing blasteran, setiap hari aku menjaga dan menyayanginya, aku memberinya makan yang terbaik yang aku mampu.

Kucing itu ku beri nama si Putih, dia kucing penakut, sangking penakutnya dia tidak berani keluar rumah,setiap aku beres-beres rumah dia selalu ikut keluar dan mengajak ku bercanda, aku sangat senang saat itu, aku merasa hidup ku jadi berwarna, dulu sebelum ada si Putih setiap beres-beres rumah aku melakukannya sendirian, maklumlah kedua orang tua ku sibuk bekerja dan adik-adik ku sekolah, aku juga jarang berada dirumah karna harus kuliah, jadi aku juga tidak punya teman dirumah.

Setiap hari saat aku libur atau sepulang kuliah ku habiskan waktu bersama dengannya, aku senang sekali, sehari dua hari, seminggu dua minggu, waktu begitu cepat berlalu tanpa terasa hampir satu bulan ku habiskan waktu bersamanya, hingga di suatu malam yang sunyi, saat itu bulan ramadhan sekitar jam 2 pagi, tibatiba aku mendengar suara, seperti sesuatu yang jatuh, aku terbangun dari tidur ku dan ku lihat si Putih sudah terbaring di lantai, ternyata dia terjatuh dari tempat tidur.

Saat itu aku mengira dia hanya terjatuh dan tidak akan terjadi apa-apa padanya, ternyata dugaan ku salah disitulah awal mula kesedihan ku, setelah terjatuh si Putih terus menangis dan tiba-tiba dia kejang-kejang dan seluruh tubuhnya kaku dan membiru, aku bingung, aku tidak tau harus berbuat apa, kebetulan pada saat itu kedua orang tua ku sedang tidak ada dirumah, mereka sedang ada tugas jadi harus menginap selama lima hari. Aku begitu kalut, air mata ku terus mengalir tanpa henti, dalam pikiran ku berkecamuk, air mata ki semakin deras aku tak kuasa menahannya aku tak sanggup jika harus kehilangan dia, aku tidak tahu harus membawanya kemana karena di dekan rumah ku tidak terdapat klinik hewan.

Dia terus mengerang, seolah menahan sakit yang teramat sangat, hati ku semakin pilu melihat wajahnya yang kesakitan dan mendengar suaranya yang seolah-olah berkata, “ ibu.. ibu.. aku kesakitan.” Dia terus kejang-kejang selama dua jam, aku usap-usap dia, aku pijat dia perlahan untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit yang di deritanya, dan sesaat dia sembuh, namun tak berapa lama kejang-kejangnya kambuh lagi, aku semakin bingung, air mata tak henti-hentinya mengalir deras,aku belum siap jika harus kehilangan dia begitu cepat, aku tidak tahu harus bagaimana.

Sesaat sebelum dia mati, aku melihat tatapan mata si Putih yang seolah berkata, “biarkan aku pergi, aku tak sanggup jika harus menahan sakit seperti ini”. Setelah aku melihat tatapan matanya akhirnya aku bisa merelakannya untuk pergi, walau dengan berat hati aku tetap berusaha untuk tegar, karena ada seseorang yang selalu menguatkan aku, dia adalah kekasih ku.

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Kesendirian Ku

Dingin angin malam menyelimuti tubuh ku

Menusuk ke tulang

Aku disini terbaring menungu pagi

Dengan mata yang tetap terjaga

Dengan kesedihan yang menyesakkan dada

Tak seorangpun peduli

Tak seorangpun tahu

Aku di sini kesepian

Tanpa ada seorangpun yang menemani

Angin terus berhembus

Membekukan ku dalam kesunyian

Meninggalkan ku dalam kehampaan

Seakan tak peduli kegundahan ku

Aku butuh seseorang untuk temani sepiku

Hanya seorang saja

Agar aku dapat bertahan dalam kerasnya kehidupan


Sometimes I'm sick of seeing life
All walk on the road each

No more admonished said

No more smile
All have been tainted by age
Sometimes I long for the past
While all people spoken to each other
Laugh together
Spending time together
Now all has gone
All have been destroyed
What remains is only a look of hatred
Fake smile and envy
Whether where all the goodness in their hearts
Either disappeared where all hearts are pure
All sense has been covered by the envy and hatred
I hate to see all the plays are boring
I hate to see all the hiding
Behind the mask of hypocrisy
All compete for the things I did not understand

Kamis, 19 November 2009



General manager * Researcher * Bookkeeper
Personnel manager * Advertiser * Private accounting
Production manager * seller *Government accounting

* Banker * Computer operator
* financial analyst * Computer programmer
*Stockbroker * System analyst
Macth With The Term Above
1.An employ who was the most responsible in an organization
2.A specialist in analyzing the system for the computer
3.The chief of the department whose job to get the products to the costumers
4.A specialist in writing and keeping financial information
5.In between businessman in the stock exchange
6.one who owns the bank
7.An employee whose job is to operate the machine
8.The head of the department whose function is to negotiate with the employees
9.An employee whose job is to carry out a study.
10. A special in interpreting financial data who receives fee.
11.Specialist analyzing financial data.
12. The chief of manufacturing department of a company.
13.The chief of manufacturing department of company
14.A person whose job is to carry out sale promotion.
15.An accountant who works with a private company.
16.Specialist in fields of writing the software for the computer.
17.Specialist in the fields of accounting who works with government bureau.

Answer :
1.System analyst
2.general manager
7.Computer operator
8.Personnel manager
10.Public accountant
11.Financial analyst
12.Production manager
15.Private accountant
16.Computer programmer
17.Government accountant

Answer :

1. dogs are animal

2. potatoes are vegetables

3. we are students

4. we are doing our homework

5. they are studying

6. the them herself writer the letter

7. business consist of operation

8. they perform services by answering Question

9. what are difference between you & us ?

10. they friend a also our friend

11. the students have almost finished doing them

12. have they ever been studying abroad

13. the earthquake cause great disaster

14. do they understand the lesson?

15. they are boys & girls in the class.

Put the sentences into Plural

A.the story teller asked John to drive slowly because rain began to fall
B.John went for a walk because poor sleep
C.“I saw lights of the below the hill” said John after he had run back to the car
D.The unloaded the machine so that it would be easier to push it to the top of the hill
E.They would have spent the night in the car if john had not to seen the light of the town

Example : a child is a boy or girl

Children are boys or girls

1 . A dog is an animal

2. A potato is vegetable

3. he is a student

4. I am doing my homework

5. he was studying when I came

6. she herself writes the letter

7. A business consist of an operation

8. she performs a service by answering a question

9. what is the difference between you & me ?

10. his friend is also my friend

11. the student has almost finished doing it

12. has she ever been studying abroad?
13. The earthquake cause a great disaster

14. does he understand the lesson ?

15. there is a boy & girl in the class.

Based on story you listened to, answer the Question

1.What was the time of the day, when they set out for the next town?
2.How far was the next town from the village, according to the map?
3.Where was the next town situated?
4.Were they that would find a bed for the night in the next town?
5.Did darkness fall soon after they left the village?
6.Were they lucky not meet anyone as they were driving along the road that led?
7.How did they drive?
8.How was the road?
9.Did it become colder as they climber higher?
10.Why was it difficult to see the road?
11.Did the story teller drive the car?
12.How far had they traveled when the car suddenly stop?
13.Why did the car stop?
14.What kind the car stop?
15.Who was a poor did they bring?
16.What did John do to kill the the time?
17.What did John see from the top of the hill?
18.What did they do before they push the car?
19.Why could the car run without petrol?
20.How long did it take to reach the town?

Answer :
1.It was late in the afternoon
2.The next town, was 50 minutes fron the village according to the map
3.The next town was situated
4.we were sure that we would find a bed for the night in the next town
5.darkness fell soon after we leftthe village
6.we were lucky not to met
7.we were driving swiftly
8.it became cloudy and winding
9.because the rain began to fall
10.it was difficult, because the rain began fall
11.no, he didn’t
12.we had traveled 20miles away then we suddenly stop
13.because it empty our petrol
14.biscuit and chocolate
16.walking to the top of hill
17.John saw lights of the town in the village below
18.we unloaded the road
19.because the road down to hill
20.in quarter of the hour


A company often becomes involved in international trade by exchanging goods or services with another country-importing raw materials it may need for production or exporting finished products to a foreign market. Establishing these trade relationships is the first step in the development of a multinational business.At this stage,however,the corporation’s emphasis is still on the domestic market. As trade expands,the corporation’s delings with companies or people outside the “home country”of that corporation increase.
The corporation the whole world as a base for production and marketing operations. The next step in the development of a multinational business is focusing on the world market. The company may establish foreign assembly plant,engage in contract manufacturing, or build a foreign manufacturing company or subsidiary. Therefore, a multinational corporation a company that is primarily based in one country and has production and marketing activities in foreign countries.
Since world war II, multinational corporations have grown rapidly. The names and products of many of the multinationals have become well-known the world marketplace: International Business Machines (IBM), Royal Dutch Shell,Panasonic,Coca-cola,and Volkswagen.Coca-cola,for example,now has operation in more than 180 countries.
A multinational corporation operates in a complex business environment Cultural,social,economic,political,and technological system vary from country. In order to operate successfully, a multinational company need a basic understanding and appreciation of the foreign business environment.


Financial statements are the final product of the accounting process. They provide information on the financial condition of a company. The balance sheet one type of financial statements, providers a summary of what company owns and what it owns on one particular day.
Assets represent everything of value that is owned by a business, such as property, equipment,and accounts receivable. On the other hand, liabilities are the debts that a company owes-for example, to suppliers and banks. If liabilities are subtracted from assets (assets – liabilities), the amount remaining is the owner’s share of a business. This is known as owner’s or stockholders’ equit represent everything of value that is owned by a business, such as property, equipment,and accounts receivable. On the other hand, liabilities are the debts that a company owes-for example, to suppliers and banks. If liabilities are subtracted from assets (assets – liabilities), the amount remaining is the owner’s share of a business. This is known as owner’s or stockholders’ equity.
One key to understanding the accounting transactions of a business is to understand the relationship of its assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity. This is often represented by the fundamnental accounting equation: assets equal liabilities plus owners’ equity.
These three factors are expressed in monetary terms and therefore are limited to items that can be given a monetary value. The accounting equation always remains in balance;in other words,one side must equal the other.
The balance sheet expands the accounting equation by providing more information about the assets, liabilities, and owners’ equity of a company at a specific time (for example,on December 31, 1993). It is made up of two parts. The first part lists the company assets, and the second part details liabilities and owners’ equity. Assets are divided into current assets. Property, buildings, and equipment make up the fixed assets of a company. The liabilities section of the balance sheet is often divided into current liabilities (such as accounts payable and income taxes payable) and long-term liabilities (such as bonds and long-term notes).
The balance sheet provides a financial picture of a company on a particular date, and for this reason it is useful in two important areas. Internally, the balance sheet provides managers with financial information for company decision making. Externally, it gives potential investors data for evaluating the company’s financial position.


Accounting is frequently called the “Language of Business” because of its ability to communicate financial information about an organization. Various interested parties, such as managers, potentials investors, creditors, and the informed financial decisions. An effective accounting system therefore must include accurate e collecting, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and reporting of information on the financial status of an organization.
In order to achieve a standardized system, the accounting process follows accounting principles and rules. Regardless of the type of business or the amount of money involved, common procedures for handling and presenting financial information are used. Incoming money (revenues) and outgoing money (expenditures) are carefully monitored, and transactions are summarized in financial statements, which reflect the major financial activities of organization.
Two common financial statements are the balance sheet and the income statement. The balance sheet shows the financial position of a company at one point in time, while in income statement shows the financial performance of a company over a period of time. Financial statements allow interested parties to compare accounting periods within one organization. For example, an investor may compare the most recent income statements of two corporations in order to find out which one would be a better investment.
People who specialize in the field of accounting are known as accountants. In the United States, accountants are usually classified as public, private, or governmental. Public accountants work independently and provide accounting services such as auditing and tax computation to companies and individuals. Public accountants may earn the little of CPA (Certified Public Accountant) by fulfilling rigorous requirements. Private accountants work solely for private companies or corporations that hire them to maintain financial records, and governmental agencies or bureaus. Both private and governmental accountants are paid on a salary basis, whereas public accountants receive fees for their services.
Through effective application of commonly accepted accounting systems, private, public, and governmental accountants provide accurate and timely financial information that is necessary for organizational decision-making.